Tofino Botanical Gardens

Posted by on Oct 5, 2013 in Eco lodges, Yoga Retreats | Comments Off on Tofino Botanical Gardens

Tofino Botanical Gardens and Ecolodge

Tofino Botanical Gardens offers accommodation you expect in a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Each year it develops its Ecolodge so that it can satisfy the guests always by giving everything they need for a comfortable vacation. This Ecolodge strive to improve its performance each year in four major areas: protecting the natural environment, energy efficiency, conservation of natural resources, and support its local community. You will have a very comfortable and unforgettable experience.

Tofino Botanical Gardens


Tofino Botanical Gardens located on 12 acres of waterfront gardens and rainforest at the gateway to  its waterfront property which includes approximately 1 km of paths and boardwalks. It takes only five minute walk to the sandy open beaches.

Nicely decorated room


Tofino Botanical Gardens building is thoroughly insulated which has double glazed windows and uses individual thermostats for each room. This accommodation is comfortable, clean, quiet and friendly environment. Electricity comes from hydroelectric projects. Most lighting is by way of compact fluorescent lamps and lighting and tool battery recharging in its tool shed is powered by a solar panel.   In this accommodation you will get continental breakfast including Tofino Botanical Gardens organic oatmeal bar. You will enjoy free admission to the Tofino Botanical Gardens. You can use the dining area, shared kitchen, common room and library. There are free WiFi connection and parking. There are a commercial-grade guest kitchen, large open dining room and lounge with a fireplace. There are also laundry facilities, 300-volume nature library, and outdoor firepit.



Tofino Botanical Garden provide a commercial kitchen full stocked with plateware, utensils, and cookware but if you want you can bring your own caterer or hire one locally but you will have to ask for recommendations for caterers. A food processor or blender will not be provided.


Regular Yoga Classes:

In Tofino Botanical Garden there is a wonderful place to do yoga and for lodge guests 1-3 evenings a week yoga classes are offered but the class schedule and time can be cancelled or changed and those classes are first-come-first-serve basis, so it will better to arrive early. Regular yoga classes are also provided at the Coastal Bliss yoga studio here in Tofino. Yoga classroom is about 685 ft2. Floor is covered with a carpet and the wall is colored with soft purple color. The room is heated with electric heat registers you can control yourself, vaulted pine ceiling. For natural  light or for ventilation there are also ample windows. 28 students can practice Yoga in this studio together. There you will find a storage closet to hold your yoga accessories such as mats, blocks and other materials. You can rent Yoga equipment like blocks, bolster and sitting cushions for a flat rate of $25 per day but you will not get mats in rent.


Tofino Botanical Gardens

1084 Pacific Rim Highway (Mail to PO Box 886)

Tofino, BC V0R 2Z0

Telephone: (250) 725 1220

Fax: (250) 725 2435


