Viktoras Retreat

Posted by on Oct 16, 2013 in Food and Cooking Retreats | Comments Off on Viktoras Retreat

viktoras retreat waterfall

Every year, an individual ages and along with the body’s normal mechanism, our body starts to show symptoms of aging. This may include unwanted wrinkles and visible fine lines. With the use of cosmetology and dermatological surgeries, such dilemmas are solved but there are great risks accompanied with it. Wouldn’t it be better if such means of staying young come naturally from your core? Yes, staying young and looking young could be made possible by never stressing yourself and instead make use of relaxation techniques. When the talk is all about attaining younger look on an older age, Raw Yoga Youthing Bliss is the answer! Prepare to shift your consciousness of staying young from artificial to natural. Immerse yourself on a retreat which emphasizes on the importance of taking in tropical and raw foods along with keeping yourself healthy and fit. Get the chance to enjoy this opportunity not only on the aspect of eating but on adventure and fun as well as going young is made possible on Viktoras Retreats.

yoga class during viktoras retreat


Being surrounded by the tranquil and serene beauty of beaches on the beautiful coast of Costa Rica, Viktoras Retreat is a perfect ground for renewal and rejuvenation. You will be able to witness the breathtaking view of Montezuma Falls which takes an exciting and adventurous 20 minute jungle walk included in the retreat. With the virgin and the lush beauty of wilderness, the environment is extremely perfect to fit yoga practices and awesome food ingestion. The accommodation will cover lodging based on your chosen room reservation which comes in a variety of options. The foods which will be served will exclusively ne organic and raw along with certified fresh juices. Now that’s a retreat packed with healthy living!

cooking class at viktoras

Health and Wellness

During the Raw Yoga Youthing Bliss at Viktoras Retreat, participants will be able to attend into series of lectures of their choice including demonstrations, meditation procedures guided by highly qualified instructors, workshops, sacred foods that are fresh and raw and many more. Adventure is also never out of sight for those who wants to take the retreat into a high level of adventure as swimming by the falls is possible and you may even bring along your surfing board as you skim through the waves along the sea. Of course, early morning yoga’s are present and e-motion sessions later in the evening are also provided. On the entire span of the retreat, an ample time intended for jungle exploring, horseback riding, hiking, ziplines, waterfall excursions and visits on butterfly gardens will be given. All classes included on Viktoras Retreat are guaranteed to accommodate different levels of interest and ability of different type of people thereby making sure that you get the best quality time that you expect to have.


It’s about time for you to learn a safe and practical way of living by promoting a healthy lifestyle. Learn to master touch healing with the use of proper taming of foods to be utilized to keep your body from degrading on each year that passes by. The overall theme for this retreat will be “Love is all there is”, inviting you not to indulge in your sleeping love for nature but undying love for yourself as well. Always remember that the key to living life satisfactorily is loving yourself and that means taking good care of your body as a whole.


Victoras Retreat

Montezuma, Costa Rica

